Wondering what to Plant?

Plant a successive crop of lettuces.  What in the world does that mean?  By planting in 'succession' it will ensure that you have salads consistently throughout the summer.  As temperatures get warmer, lettuces tent to 'bolt' which is when the plant thinks that it is done producing the leaves that we eat and thinks that … Continue reading Wondering what to Plant?

It’s Potpourri Time!

A refreshing way to keep the lovely smell of your herbs alive is with potpourri.  This is really a 'little-bit-of-this' project that can be done on a rainy and stormy day such as this!  A little bit of planning should be done ahead of time to decide on the smell that you're going for, as … Continue reading It’s Potpourri Time!

Key Hole Gardening

Have you ever done any 'key-hole gardening'?   "Raised beds are nothing new. The idea is to elevate the garden to maximize drainage, improve the soil, and enhance access. Keyhole gardens are a riff on that idea, with one addition: a center compost area that works as a self-fertilizing element for the plants. A salad … Continue reading Key Hole Gardening

Wondering what to Plant?

Plant a successive crop of lettuces.  What in the world does that mean?  By planting in 'succession' it will ensure that you have salads consistently throughout the summer.  As temperatures get warmer, lettuces tent to 'bolt' which is when the plant thinks that it is done producing the leaves that we eat and thinks that … Continue reading Wondering what to Plant?

Planning Your Seed Saving Garden

We cleaned up our seed saving plot this past weekend, and planted some peas. It's been so cold recently that we strayed from planting beans just yet but they will go into the ground later in the week. This is a really neat article on how it's done and what varieties are best to save … Continue reading Planning Your Seed Saving Garden

Getting the most out of your vegetables

It's mid-August, and although the crops were off to a shaky start everything is growing how it should be.  The only problem is that there is just so much of everything!  It's great to have abundances of things to give to friends and relatives, but if you want to keep a few of those gifts for … Continue reading Getting the most out of your vegetables

Sun Tea

Herbs are what make the world go 'round, so get planting!  Along with all of their culinary and healing purposes, herbs can also be used in teas.  Rather than having your tea imported 5000 miles, why not harvest fresh herbs and make concoctions based upon how you're feeling each and every day?  Sun tea is … Continue reading Sun Tea